
     There are few things more stressful than the breakdown of a family unit.  Who keeps the house?  Who pays the bills?  What am I entitled to? And most important- what about the children?  Our office recognizes that each and every case is as unique as the parties involved.  We take the time to know you and what is most important to you.  Your best interest is our main priority.            

     Family law also encompasses other areas.  We provide representation in paternity cases, to establish or modify child support and parenting plans as well as for family violence protective order proceedings. 


     You don't plan on being sick or disabled, but it sometimes happens.  When that occurs you are left feeling helpless.  There are bills to pay, but you just aren't able to work.  And if you are denied your social security benefits, it can be devastating.  Our office can prepare your appeal so that you can concentrate on your health and well being.  We will gather your medical records and present them to the Judge so that they can understand the true nature of your disabilities.       


     Sometimes you find yourself in a position of making a decision that has severe consequences that can affect your entire life.  We understand that  good people sometimes make bad choices and we work hard to help you turn things around.  We work closely with the Court system to guide you through the best alternatives for your situation.  We represent clients in misdemeanor and felony cases in the magistrate and Circuit Courts.   


     Situations can develop when you may be unable to take care of your children.  Abuse and neglect proceedings are emotionally difficult and often times confusing for those not familiar with the system.  We represent parents and guide them through the system assisting them in obtaining the help and skills they need to care for their children.  We also represent those family members whose interests are to protect the children in their care.     


    No one likes to think about the end of life and too many times people put off the decision to prepare a Will.  A simple Will can ensure your wishes are carried out by your loved ones, while relieving them of the burden of making those difficult decisions of handling your estate.